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Incandescent with rage: []transgender-trump-administration-sex-definition.html
Could we go backwards any further?

Vote everyone - just Vote.

RavenCT 9 Oct 23

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He has two more years

But he can only do so much if the congress and senate are blue.

@RavenCT We first need to win it and it does not look good.


If you do not vote, it IS a vote for what we have now, plus more!


Vote. Unless your vote is suppressed. Or, depending on the outcome of the coming election, note the rhetoric setting this up, it is called null and void because of the "millions" of illegal voters

Illegal voters? Millions of them? Uuumm, how is the weather on Pluto? Which is where i wish all cheeto-lovers would go, and stay....

@AnneWimsey I didn't say it, Trump did, just last week in Nevada. I know it is easier to get hit by lightning than find an illegal voter, because so few exist. And the last few caught were republicans trying to prove it could be done lmao.

@Beowulfsfriend HMWM...His Mouth Was Moving!


I'm sooooo fucking angry about this..It's time to put those running, for Any office, have their feet put to the fire and demand answers...on were they stand..I will Not be Erased..


How anybody supports that guy is beyond me.

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