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Can you name your favorite "worst" favorite movie of all time. Something that goes big time splat on Rotten Tomatoes / Something akin to Plan Nine from Outer Space: Mine is Zardoz with Sean Connery, and I saw it in a theater in Southern California in the late 70's at a sci-fi double header revival. And the place allowed smoking: if you know what I mean.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 23

Enjoy being online again!

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The Gods Must Be Crazy, yes I like slapstick.

Whaaa? That’s an awesome movie with what was a very timely message. No shame Lorajay!


There are too many that fit the description. Since it hasn't come up yet:

JimG Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Andy Warhol’s “Frankenstein” because someone named Plann9 already.

That was pretty awful and I saw it in the theater.


It would have to be Plan Nine From Outer Space. I try to come up with a worse movie and l can't.


Earth Girls are Easy because I just love Jeff and Geena and the cast is amazeballs!


Blair Witch 2. Nothing more need be said.

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