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Do you think generally speaking that Atheists have/developed thicker skin?

I know mine is pretty damn thick, partly from rejecting beliefs pushed on me and partly from actively trying to thicken it.

JazznBlues 8 Oct 28

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I am not sure if we have thicker skins. I think the attacks by the believers seem to us like arguments of children. We don't take them seriously. We have greater things to address. We just don't values those attacks.


I don't think so in my situation but nobody is getting on my case over atheism. I think years on social media has toughened my skin because very few punches are pulled in this media.


i wouldn't want to generalize. while it would seem useful for us atheists to be able to let criticism of our unpopular ideas roll right off our backs, the truth is, people of all kinds of character can realize there are no gods, and the need to develop a thicker skin has not always results in such development. it's like my having grown up painfully shy but eager to express myself. that was pretty inconvenient for me lol.



I suspect so..

Varn Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

I think open atheists, existing as we do in a majority theist society, are going to inherently tend to be overall tougher. But that is an artifact of our minority status at this time, not something inherent in atheism. There's nothing about lacking beliefs about deities that prevents someone from being a wuss.


Don't know if its thicker, but the religious seem overly thin-skinned to me.

Good point

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