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Life is much easier to living without hell or a god

kosi3 2 Oct 29

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The light of reason shines brighter and clearer than the faux light of "Faith"


Bill Moyers once confessed that life would be easier without a belief in God because then one would not have to spend one's whole life trying to reconcile religion with reality.


As neither really existed int eh first place, I asume you mean without he delusions of hell or god.


i was never worried about hell because i was raised as a secular jew, and hell isn't even a part of judaism; it's a christian concept. as for god, he was just sort of an invisible friend, so i was a little sad (not traumatized, just sad) when i realized that he wasn't real, but life hadn't been harder with him, as i wasn't, for example, living my life trying to please him or anything. i imagine for an ex-christian, life would be a LOT easier once the realization came that there are no gods and there is no hell!


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