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Good news, I'm alive and well after my sister's catholic wedding this past weekend. I didn't catch on fire while entering the church. Two minor accidental slippups though. I had a short snicker during the ceremony on accident that I don't think anyone noticed and wasn't thinking and said "goddamn" in the back room after the ceremony just a few feet from the pastor. He didn't hear me though so all good.

Eric84 4 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Before the wedding of a friend's daughter, I leaned over to his brother, who was leafing through a bible, and said, "He dies on page 632."


Hilarious! Love your sense of humor.

It's hard for me to keep a straight face when people say grace.


Glad it went OK. Wishing the new couple all the best!

Carin Level 8 Oct 29, 2018

So, did you expect to catch on fire,oh you heathen.

I was worried for a moment. I thought I felt me feet heating up. Haha!

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