I want to remind everyone that Republicans voted 70 times to kill the ACA. They currently have a law suit to claim it is not Constitutional. Those commercials claiming they will protect pre existing conditions is a flat out LIE.
I wish they did kill ACA. Implementing policies that led to the elimination of millions of Americans' private insurance plans was heinous. I say that as a person with epilepsy who was stranded without health insurance once ACA went into full effect.
The use of facism is a bit extreme. Most modern countries have some form of central health insurance. The free market system is extremely flawed and discriminatory. It restricts lower income people & families from health coverage. Medicare has made all elderly Americans the comfort of having health coverage at a time when most everyone has medical issues. I've been lucky to have good health coverage over the years through my government jobs. I have had a kidney disease since birth. I also had brain surgery 10 years ago. If it weren't for being in group policies, I would have died a long time ago. Do you wish that fate on others who can't afford a private policy? Do you think creating a pool for sick people will create affordable insurance? The people making the most noise are those who make huge money from the current system. Are you sick? Do you have health coverage? What would you do if you lost your job? You can call it anything you want, but it's a moral issue.
Do you think that both the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies haven't lobbied Congress to favor them? We don't really have a "free market" system because industries bribe politicians to favor them. Oil companies actually write the policies that end up being law. Do you intend to use Medicare or maybe you're already on it? We live in a country that should be empathetic to it's people. The ACA was a first step and needs to be further enhanced. Based on your comment you seem to lack empathy for people who have life threatening illness and no where to turn.
I know, right? That is the biggest bunch of b*** I've ever seen in my life! I mean, how can these Republicans advertise now, like Rick Scott, that they're going to protect pre-existing conditions when they have historically voted against that type of thing? It's insulting to your intelligence! Hopefully the general population is not stupid enough to buy into that crap!
I just posted this and that commercial with Rick Scott lying is just coming on right now!
These Republicans look you in the eye in these commercials and pretend to be empathetic. The same people who have voted 70 times to end the ACA. They're currently have signed on to a law suit that claims the ACA is unconstitutional.
Isn't the fact that the first a stands for affordable a lie? By no means do I defend either side, but to tax me for not participating is beyond criminal. There isn't one word in the constitution that says I must be forced to pay for a service I refuse to use.
Insurance is about statistics and probability. In order for the plan to work and be affordable everyone has to be in the pool and the product has to be the same for all. Trump has taken much of the ACA apart with the hope to make it unaffordable. When you start allowing crap plans and taking young people out of the pool, then all that's left are sick people. There seems to be a complete lack of understanding about how this works. What would help would be a public option.