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I'd like to make this a sticker, and slap it on every conspiracy nut job there is.
Although, it would take quite a while, there are so many of them.

TristanNuvo 8 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I read The Republican War on Science (2005) by Chris Mooney some years ago. It explained the alliance between the Republicans and the fundamentalist Christians to "systematically disparage and misrepresent scientific information related to public policy." Since then it seems it's gotten an order of magnitude worse. Now it seems politicians think they can change reality by simply saying that it's so. Unfortunately there are a lot of fruit loops out there ready to believe most anything. But science isn't a belief system, it relies on facts & evidence.


My friend told me her belief about Chemtrails... I was like

"Oh, really, have you ever been on an airplane?"

By they way, confusingly, she is liberal and votes Democratic as far as I know. However she also gets Colon Hydrotherapy if that's any indication of her thought process.

I have a friend who is also like that, he believes a huge array of nonsensical BS.
We've been friends for a very long time, so neither of us has a problem about the other believing or not believing in what ever.
We, like all I call friends, value each other on the merits of the kind of human beings we are, not the beliefs.

I still mess with him a bit on FB when he posts some zany stuff, and I'll show him some real Physics debunking what ever.
But he'll always retort to some sort of Scientists are all in collusion, yadda yadda.
So I just let it go,...Most of the time.

@TristanNuvo Yes this is something that I find confusing, and have thought about many times. I have friends who I LOVE who are the greatest people, would do anything for you but have what I consider to be some totally nutty beliefs. Hard line Trump supporters can be atheist, and at least some of my Democratic friends are not. I also know Gay people who still want to go to church. Such things are confusing and I would think competing... but... I guess this is not for me to figure out.


I at least copied this and re-posted it onto Facebook... in part to piss off my far right wing conspiracy nut brother.

I got it from a friends post on FB. I also shared it there as well.


It's just that science is real whether you believe it or not. All things listed on this tag are science. How in the hell do the republicans deny real, because their entire existence is fake. And they do not even believe they are hypocritically fake.

EMC2 Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

See my post above, it is UNFORTUNATELY not just limited to one political party.

@k80b619 I see however I will go by core. I do not care if gays attend church. It is that the Democrats support abortion, environment, education and freedom of religion. The republicans are just fighting like hell to kill the scientific thought calling science a hoax. But your point is well taken

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