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Dear Voter -The World is in Your Hands. Please Vote to End the Hate and Division Trump Has Created. Vote Blue.

sassygirl3869 9 Nov 3

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It has never been different.


trumper would break the world given the chance.

??? What you mean?
Obama invaded 5 countries, and threatened Russia (a nuclear super power) with Ukraine.Trump is powerless alone, If he does anything you can be sure its directed by the ruling elite and Israel. America has already "broke the world" and we allowed it so we got the govt we deserve for having done so. It is the responsibility of the people to stop America's destruction of the world if we fail to do so will be remembered in history the same way the German people are hated for going along with Hitler.

@jniece Sorry but one has no reason to support an ignorant bully. He is a disqrace to the country has done nothing to fix anything rather has made everything worse. This morning it was pointed out that Europe has put in place rules to govern the stock market and protect investors Trump canceled these rules which were meant to prevent the type of collapse of 2008 and protect the investors. He did this all by himself.

@Marine I'm not advocating Trump. He disgusts me as well. But even impeaching him would not fix our problems. The problem is corruption and it is thoroughly entrenched in both parties. Until the people realize our only shot at correcting this problem lies with unity. That is what we should all be screaming about. Not Trump. It makes no difference whatsoever who is President if the corruption remains unaddressed.

@jniece Well stated.


voting "blue" is the worst advice I can think of. Vote for the candidate that reflects your values with words AND action. the majority of blue is in same camp as the reds when comparing their voting records! Never vote for establishment politicians. The establishment is the enemy and they are blue and red.

I agree with you except this year creating a counter-balance is vital. We need more parties, and money out of politics.

Ordinarily I might agree with that but to turn both senate and congress blue in swing districts a write in or conscience vote takes it away from a blue vote. I agree many Dems are corporate and side with the establishment but that can be taken up once the gop is not the majority.

@silverotter11 How well did work for us when dems had filibuster proof super majority under Obama? I'll tell ya- Kill lists, drone assassination, NDAA, 7 illegal wars, mass surveillance, loss of habeas corpus, posse comitatus, free press, whistle blower protections, and VRA! Continued use this same strategy is insane. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

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