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So I guess my family is disowning me because I am an Atheist. Their Christian love is overwhelming. I feel so alone in this world. I can't believe my family is disowning me just because I don't believe in their bullshit god. I just want to live my life and have fun because I believe this is the only life I am going to have. I think I need a night out to relieve some stress lol!

KatEngland 3 Nov 4

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But they're only upset with you for to their love for you and how nobody wants you to burn in hell for all eternity. Or something like that. ?


Your post seems contradictory to your Bio.
"I have been an atheist my entire life. I was never raised in a religious family so the whole religion thing is strange to me. I knew the basics of Christianity because I grew up in the south. I am a big advocate for the Constitution in particular the First amendment. I don't get offended easily. I would love to meet like minded people and have great discussions."


Losing a loved one, how ever it happens is painful. Having lost all of my family and friends when my beliefs changed, I can share that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but that light could end up being something brand new …. something you have not experienced before ... meeting people that you did not previously know. Before you can reach that new life, your heart may need to experience grief over this loss of love, which unfortunately takes time and is a process. Grief has different stages which include anger, depression, denial, and negotiation. The goal or final destination you are trying to reach, when you have pain from loss, is acceptance. Acceptance brings peace. Acceptance brings a feeling that its all going to be OK. Being human, we want to experience acceptance from those we love. Unfortunately when we change beliefs, those we love may not know how to process their own feelings and emotionally shut down.
. You may need to turn to your own heart right now for this acceptance … there are after all two parts to your inner life, which are your feelings (the heart) and your thoughts (the mind). Your heart desperately needs to feel acceptance, especially right now. So its up to your mind to feed your heart the reassurance it needs right now, by taking control of your own thoughts. EXAMPLES. I accept myself, I believe in myself. I care about myself. I will be OK! Then stop, take a deep breath, and really believe it.

That is right! Atheists still BELIEVE in things. Your heart, (your feelings) still need something to believe in, and a good place to start is to believe in yourself. Even if you are all alone, you can whisper to your heart, that I got your back, that even if no one else is there for me right now I believe in myself and believe its going to be OK!

Keep moving forward. The people that shun us are choosing to be left behind. That is their choice, not ours, so keep moving, don't let them stop your life from going forward. The act of moving on with our lives does the rest, that only time can do to bring healing when we lose people we love.

In the end, its important that when your family does come around and see how you are doing, that they see you are whole, and happy, and at peace with yourself, and are doing just fine, with your new set of beliefs.


Ugh. Sorry to hear that. I would never disown my kid for being a christian. Well, ok, maybe if she became a republican....


It's their loss. They'll have to own that. Yeah it's sad.


Yes a happens with Tears sometimes.


That’s such bullshit. I can’t even imagine disowning a child over something like that.

Hordo Level 6 Nov 4, 2018
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