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Are you liberal or conservative?

  • 54 votes
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  • 24 votes
AbdullaUW 4 Nov 4

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Everyone is a secret conservative that is why trump won. I am a business owner and a capitalist so I look in the mirror the only one responsible for all my well being is myself.

@Aivery Sorry not everyone only the ones they're educated and powerful.

i have never been a conservative, secret or otherwise, and i sure as hell didn't vote for trump. i voted for hillary. in addition, trump didn't win -- not the popular vote, so you can't characterize voters by trump's landing in the white house. voters chose hillary.


@genessa I don't know I think will also win the midterm elections we will see


Both ~

Varn Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

Somewhere inbetween.


Economically socialist , and politically liberal . So basically I am a liberal socialist [] .

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