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I've never understood why people talk on the phone in places like stores... I'm of a generation that phone conversations were something that took place in the privacy of your own home. What could be so gosh darn important? Then today, my sweetie had to go to Wally world, and all I wanted to do was call him...

Kattywampus69 8 Nov 5

Enjoy being online again!

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And it'll keep getting worst. With continous advancements in technology, you can use your imagination.


I am with you... Or how about the people that come dressed to the store with their pajamas and slippers on?

I use my cell for business (sales) during waking hours.... So when it rings, I answer regardless where I am. Unless I am on a first date...

@Kattywampus69 Ummmm... That would be acceptable! Especially if I am cooking dinner first! 😉


If I am on my phone in a store, it's almost always to discuss what to buy. Sorry if that can be construed as rude, but it can be nice to run such things past the person who will share the purchase with me.

Zster Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

what irks me is when somebody talks so loud they think everybody else wants to hear what they are saying on the pone....i couldn't give a rat's ass about what they are saying

My pet peeve!


Must be a special guy...and the luckiest guy in the whole world...?


Welcome to the club!!! LOL

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