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Christians claim god made the universe and everything in it. What did he make it from? Nothing?

Greenheart 7 Nov 6

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Do you think the universe popped into existence by accident? I’m not saying there has to be a creator, however, at first blush both versions seem ridiculous.

A big problem is that we humans don’t understand the meaning of the word “exist”. Another problem is that our concept of creation involves time. According to quantum gravity theory there is no such thing as time.

Big muddlesome mystery aye?

@Elganned If you understand how the universe popped into existence by accident you are way ahead of me.

@Elganned offhand, such popping into existence seems to violate the law of conservation of mass and energy.

Also, the idea assumes that before the popping into existence there existed an environment of some sort in which the laws of chance would be valid and in which the random popping into existence would be possible. Those pre-existing conditions imply an ultimate reality outside the realm of matter, space, and time.

Where did ultimate reality come from? IMO the question has no meaning. “Come from” may not be a valid concept at that level.


i WILL add, though, that the SAME christians who don't mind god's making something out of nothing can't get their brains around the big bang....



lol you'd have to ask a christian. most folks here don't believe that stuff.


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