Some one tell me why I should be happy about yesterdays election? I still feel like shit.
Over forty percent of this country is still insane.
Here is something positive for me. A few years back, Republicans gerrymandered districts so ridiculously in order to skew Congressional races in their favor. The fact that despite these crazy configurations the votes went so Democratic that it brought in brand new representatives and turned the House back over to the Democrats says to me that people are at least starting to wake up.
I vacillate between being deflated by the results and buoyed by them. On the one hand, my brain still can’t sort out casting votes that are for not only amoral liars and cheats, but who actively work against their betterment (but than I’ve never understood using “intellectual” as a pejorative or NOT wanting to elect someone MORE intelligent than I!). But when that gets the better of me, I turn to the latest article posted by Dan Rather or Barack Obama, and find the grain of progression, the spirit to fight. Beto May have lost, but look at the passions he stirred. I live in Idaho and am saddened that Paulette Jordan lost, but she got almost 40% in a ridiculously red state. LiterateHiker is right...we must build on the positives.
I’d start with dismantling your conclusion that 40% of the country is insane.
Nevada Election Result- Democrats pick up U.S. Senate seat with Jacky Rosen win.
Also Kristen Sinema just pulled ahead in Az,. Lots of votes to still be counted and they are from predominately democratic areas. YEAH
Democrats won full control of the House of Representatives. That was our goal.
The US just elected 8 new scientists to Congress, including an ocean expert, a nurse, and a biochemist. A record number of women were elected. That's huge!
Yes, I was disappointed that Beto O'Rourke and Andrew Gillum lost narrowly. But now they are national heroes and possibly future Democrat presidents.
Democrats won full control of the levers of power in Colorado, Illinois, Maine, New Mexico, Nevada and New York.
Democrats swept key state legislative and gubernatorial races across the country Tuesday, ensuring that at least 45 million more Americans will live under unified Democratic governance of their states next year and opening the door for sweeping policy changes on issues such as health care and education.
The results mark a dramatic turnabout for Democrats, who had full control of just eight states prior to Tuesday’s elections. Republicans controlled 26 state governments, and 16 were split.
BREAKING NEWS- Dr. Kim Schrier, pediatrician and Democrat, wins the competitive U.S. House 8th District race over Republican Dino Rossi. This is Rossi's fourth consecutive election loss.
Another Democrat win for the U.S. House of Representatives!
Dr. Schrier refuses to take PAC or National Rifle Association money. She is highly intelligent, eloquent, knowledgeable, personable and energetic.
Eighth District was heavily gerrymandered by Republicans to favor Republican candidates. We worked hard to get Dr. Schrier elected.
Florida will recount I think.