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Why does Buddhism keep getting associated with Religion when it requires no belief in a Diety?

Geordie 4 Nov 8

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Buddhism is considered more of a religion in the east. In the west, it's not. Credit goes to Chögyam Trungpa for this.


Well, there are two sides to Buddhists beliefs. One side is just the philosophy of a way to guide and live your life. The other side involves how the Buddha was chalenged by supernatural beings while sittign under the Bodhi Tree, which Ihtink ws added on after he died as well as other stories involvign supernatural events and pwers, with soem beign taken more seriously than others.

Anyway, all those stories involvign the supernatural beings or events move it into the religioncategory... if you believe ny of it.


while the buddha was a real person and did not claim to be a god, and is not considered a god, there is prayer involved in buddhism. @mordant has the better answer; i am just adding this one detail lol


Indeed. It is the rough equivalent of Catholics praying to saints; they pray to bodhisattvas, those few humans who have achieved enlightenment and whom they believe to be operating on the behalf of us muggles.

They also have a cosmology full of what amount to demigods and demons, even if they aren't deities by our lights. They have the concept of "hungry ghosts", people who die in violent or tragic circumstance -- very much like what "ghost hunters" are after on various reality TV shows. In other words, like all religion, they have some form or other, of "woo".

@mordant not to put a damper on the high hopes of erstwhile converts to buddhism, but it's more woo than woo HOO!


@genessa Yeah I think the core concepts of Buddhism are actually an early and fairly timeless self-help methodology and I crib some ideas from it. But the religion itself is just as nutty as any other really.

@mordant hey, i crib from judaism ALL the time! i mean, during my "religious" year (age 14-15) i went to bible study. know what we studied? if a cart and a mule are going one way on a mountain pass and a guy on foot is going the other way, which one should use the inside lane? i forget the answer though.... but there's all this stuff about how to treat each other, and i do NOT mean stoning adulterous women to death (jews don't do that anymore; we tend not to be literalists!) i mean like recycling and helping the poor and feeding the hungry. you don't have to be directed by a deity to do those things, right?



Belief in a deity is optional in a religion, although the exceptions are outliers. There are others, like Taoism. Scientology is another example -- although they don't prohibit non-conflicting deity-beliefs, they don't offer up any of their own.

Religion is an organized system of ritual and observance that claims to help adherents lead better, happier and/or more moral lives, and/or to avoid some form of suffering or punishment for misdeeds. It may or may not provide a deity, an afterlife (whether cyclical or sequential), eternal reward and/or punishment (Jehovah's Witnesses for example are annihilationists, so there's an afterlife only for True Believers), supernatural beings (which Buddhism has even if they're not full-fledged deities) and so forth.


Because religion is not defined by a belief in a deity.

skado Level 9 Nov 8, 2018
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