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What do you guys think of Andrew Yang for President in 2020?

Here's his UBI video:

and campaign website: []
GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 8

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i looked him up. universal basic income is a good idea but i do not like the idea of a businessman as president. i don't think he has PERTINENT experience or education for the post. if he somehow ends up being the candidate and runs as a democrat against trump, he has my vote, but if a used piece of toilet paper does that, it has my vote too, as it would be better than trump. that's not saying much!

there are several highly qualified potential candidates. most have not expressed interest much less announced this early; eric holder has expressed interest and he's my top choice so far. others will announce, people i don't yet know, or don't know are interested. i have not been letting myself think about this much but now the midterms are... haha, not over but over as far as voting is concerned anyway -- well, now i can let myself think about it but i am keeping an open mind because anything can happen. but i am not terribly impressed with yang so far. it's early. maybe i'll hear more from/about him and he'll impress me more. who knows?



it doesn't play.


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