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Being new here, I am curious how many of you have come to the realization that Partisan Politics is a dialectic, not a solution system, just like Religion. What is your perception?

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CataphasiaToo 4 Nov 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Partisan politics is overused. Whenever one side hears something they don't like it's "partisan". For the record: Taking children from their parents is evil, not partisan. Lying, stealing, starting wars, attacking women, molesting children, forcing your religion on others are all just wrong, not partisan politics. Talking about it, speaking out, especially from a place of power or media is politics and necessary for change. Not talking about it is called acquiescence, a form of complicity. You listed 4 straw man opinions showing that you fit neatly into the "complicit" label, unable to make a moral decision, refusing to stand for anything and not wanting to challenge your own "comfort" zone.

You are an absolutely brainwashed tool of the Elite. You deserve the poverty coming your way, intellectual abortion.


Take a good look at the Libertarian Party and stop playing the Dem/Rep game.

Eternal 3%ers are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Get a damn grip.


@CataphasiaToo Eternal Democraps and Repukelicans are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. Get a damn grip.

@CataphasiaToo I don't even pretend to take advice from people who are less educated, less successful, and definitely not as well read as I am. So take your "mansplaining" and shove it up your ass.

@SkotlandSkye Any brainwashed twat that uses the self-congratulatory fake term "mansplaining" AND asserts their imaginary "superiority" because they mainline the finger diarrhea of others and therefore "think" they are "intelligent," well, their "opinions" are identically irrelevant to REALITY as everyone else's, you useless, narcissistic waste of cell stucture.

@CataphasiaToo oh sod off you wanker


nope, not me. making legislation for partisan reasons is alas a thing, and the republicans do it, but that doesn't mean recognizing that one of the parties really does match you in its goals for the country and how to get there is a delusion. the way things stand now, we have one major party and one criminal organization posing as a political party and the latter is in power (a little teeny bit of that will change in january but it will still basically be in power). thinking both parties are the same, or voting as if it doesn't matter who is in control, THAT is delusional. do i adore every single politician who calls him/herself a democrat? hell no. do i think democrats as a group, as a party, try to do things for the people they represent instead of lining their own pockets and egos (or those of their foreign masters)? hell yes. no, recognizing the difference between the parties is NOT the same as pretending one imaginary god is better or worse than some other imaginary god. there are real-world consequences to voting, and not voting.


Getting rid if brainwasjed sacks of shit quick. Cool. Bye

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