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Pre-colonial transgender goddess. In relation to the post by @ErebusVincent (re: if a god was real, which god would you consider worshiping), please allow me to share a link about Lakapati, the Tagalog transgender goddess of fertility and agriculture.

It's amazing to know the concept that there are more than two genders was socially and spiritually accepted in pre-colonial Philippines long before Spanish Catholicism cast forth its dark, evil fruits of intolerance and narrow-mindedness all over the islands.

And to this day, transgender women in the Philippines are being denied access to public toilets consistent with their gender identity.


jemzet8 6 Nov 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Transgender(ism?) is nothing new, nor was it "conceptualized" by a single society. The fact this occurs independently in so many regions of the planet, so many vastly varied societies... You can't tell me it's wrong for someone to identify with a known or unknown gender fluidity which is their own identity. Well you CAN tell me it's wrong, and I'll tell you you're an idiot and an asshole.

You can toss me into the bin labeled "male", and I identify as such as that is who I am; not because society told me. I can't tell someone they aren't their identified gender no more than I can tell someone their fingerprint isn't theirs and they need to change it.


Thanks for the history lesson. This is very interesting.

You're most welcome... glad to provide information and hopefully shed positive light about transgender stuff/issues 🙂 I'm all for equality and inclusivity.

@jemzet8 I'm a firm believer in equality and consider myself to be a feminist.

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