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Instead of thanking us for our service. Donate to a homeless vets charity.Buy a vet a meal or better take his or hers ass home for a shower and a fuckn meal letting them know they ain't fuckn invisable. Thats how you can thank all of us.

Maggiemay 6 Nov 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I have actually taken several homeless vets under the wing and literally put myself on the street with them to lend assistance. There are many " heroes" who simply refuse help. But I've been persistent and did what I could when I could . Not an easy task.


I go against company policy and give military discounts to both active and inactive. We are only supposed to give it to active. I also tend to pocket some costs with my own money. Veterans shouldn't have to worry about having the money to save their beloved pets. Sometimes that is all they have left in the world to connect with. Seeing a hardened veteran lose it over his beloved dog or cat... man, that is a spirit-breaking sight. I can still hear the wail of an ex-marine from across the clinic as his PTSD service dog was euthanized due to bone cancer. That was over a year ago, but that sound will haunt me forever. Ya'll be kind to our servicemen, regardless of your beliefs. They've sacrificed enough.


Agreed, put your money and actions where your mouth is and fuck thoughts and prayers.


My mom, before her passing this past February, for YEARS she knitted a wool cap every day. She would save them up and donate them to the local homeless veterans group. When she died I found a large trash bag full of them... Hundreds of them. I have it worked out with one of my business owner friends in old town Fredericksburg, VA to sell them instead... With all sales going toward the homeless veterans or the local food bank.


Better still, make the population directly responsible for the well being of those who fought for their country and lost their own internal war to stay strong through it all

@OwlInASack An eloquent reflection of my own thoughts on the matter.

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