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Serial killer

whiskywoman 8 Nov 12

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I gave a lift to a hitchhiker he was 16 while taking to him I noticed he was anxious.He told me he had just hit his dad and had ran away from home .The reason I found out was his dad had hit his mother.this is days before mobile/cell I took him to his destination and told him to phone the police ,hope they would respond.There was not much help in those days for wives in that situation.


Was one of your names "Dexter" by chance?

I love dexter

@whiskywoman I actually liked the TV series (except the ending) better than the books. Usually it is the other way around, where the books are better.

@snytiger6 I know sometimes the books are so different I wonder what they read to make the movie

@whiskywoman I think when the movie or Tv show is worse than the book, it is usually due to a writer thinking they are better at writing than they actually are, or it is due to a producer (money guy) meddling in the creative process and messing things up.

With Dexter, I think the peoele working on the TV show were more talented than the guy who wrote the books. Still the ending of the TV show really sucked.


Good answer lol


The power of words.

Btbd Level 7 Nov 12, 2018
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