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Heckle and jeckel

whiskywoman 8 Nov 12

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Well, some. But few are fucking racist. Some religious ones are homophobic and such.

so what they were cartoons and lots of then were way more than silly I suppose you worry about bert and earnie too or the tella tubbies

@whiskywoman I don't know what you mean. H and J and many of the really early cartoons were not made for television. They were made to show at movie screenings, and many were racist and anti Semite and attacked different ethnic groups. Read. Study. Wake up to the reality of things. The H and J cartoons made in the later 60's aren't the same we saw earlier in the 50's and the early 60's. Those were older and definitely biased. Look up Disney's Song of the South.

@Beowulfsfriend I know but so fucking what

@Beowulfsfriend are you with the folks that thought paula dean should be fired because when she got married she wanted black help like in the plantation days she is one of the kindest ppl ive seen on tv and she has overcome much and when she had that request it was not as pc as it is now

@whiskywoman no. I'm one of those people that shits on folks that wear the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia on a tee shirt with heritage you wouldn't understand and then can't answer simple questions about Southern heritage like what flag is that? What is the Stars and Bars? Why are there 13 stars? And other questions. Just so happens I could join the sons of the confederacy as my Great Grandfather Eli Greer fought under Lee. He owned no slaves; raised horses and got a commission by supplying some. That said, glad he lost and glad he lived. And if the North had crushed the South like the allies did the Nazis we may not have the difficulties we have today - although probably so, anyway. Best to keep the 1st amendment strong.

@Beowulfsfriend I understand all that and I agree but to make silly comments about old shit that was fun as a kid no matter how inappropriate now is part of what is wrong too

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