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I need help with this. In short some body convince me ketosis works, I need it in many ways. I resent it in many ways.

Slava3 7 Nov 13

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Further on my keto progress


the body doesn't need carbs, some say? sorry but that simply isn't true. i myself have diabetes and have to watch my carbs and even i need carbs! of course your body needs carbs. and ANY extreme diet is going to be bad for you in the long run.

i wrote a lifestyle diet with which i had tremendous success, and which did not leave me hungry or weak. let me find the link to it, and pardon the state of the site on which it is published.

ah here it is: []



Most people don’t realize how little carbs you have to eat to push your body into ketosis. We are talking less than 20 grams/day. So-called modified Keto diets are a fad and are useless. Most people that do Keto have not studied it properly.. it is after all a medical diet.
A special diet by itself will only do so much, make sure that you are exercising.
I personally am not a believer in Keto. It’s not a long term solution and doesn’t encourage good eating habits. It has been rated by dieticians the worst diets for a few years running now.


You do not actually Need any carbs at all, can exist forever with siimply protein & fat, and the fiber from low-carb vegies. Also an Excellent diet for Diabetics of all kinds!
Your body however Craves carbs, much like a junkie craves heroin, so you need to stay vigilant & be sure never to get hungry! Eat good food, with butter/oil, frequently!


If you have been on the keto diet still feel no energy and have not lost weight IT"S NOT WORKING!!
Do you have bloating? Do you have regular bowel movement? Burb or fart a lot? It could be your gut. The balance of flora and fauna may be off due to antibiotics or other drugs. You may need some digestive enzymes as we produce less as we get older.
I do not eat wheat, oats, barley or rye. I limit rice, potatoes and high sugar vegetables like carrots, corn and peas but eat plenty of all the others vegies and fruit. Some cheese, meat, chicken and fish. I'd eat shellfish but I am allergic to it.
I have not had cane, corn or beet sugar in years and do not miss it. The answer is listening to your body.
Oh!! I also do a clove of raw chopped garlic every day. If you believe you may have more bad gut bacteria than good gut bacteria the garlic and some caprylic acid may help balance things out. A good probiotic may help.

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