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Young Republicans.


Secretguy 7 Nov 13

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Here's a different version from the photographer.



I fear for the future of our country if these are our future leaders.


A bunch of clean cut white kids, well dressed and smiling.
Not a problem until evidence is sufficient.


A bunch of kids trying to be funny. Don't think a single one is serious.

You can't possibly know that.

It is terrifying!!!

@nvrnuff The article said they were juniors in high school. What are you doing at that age? Trying to impress your friends, fit in, look cool. Get laid. A bunch of white-bread school kids. Much ado about nothing.

@david75090 I was working my ass, off, paying my rent, buying my food, paying my bills, and trying to qualify for a scholarship. That's what I was doing.

@nvrnuff You're not in that picture. Sounds like you had to grow up fast. This is a bunch of kids thinking it's cool to salute like that. I doubt it's any more than that.

I used to have a buddy that liked to play Risk (the board game). A world conquering game. We'd talk to each in fake German accents that we'd heard on war movies and say over-the-top BS. Kids stuff. That's all.

@david75090 Maybe it is, maybe it isn't . Who are we to say.

@nvrnuff We can guess as easily as anyone else. We can look at a photo and assign the worst possible motives to those in the photo, or not. I choose not. It could be "kids being kids" or "these kids are all a bunch of budding young Nazis who know exactly what they're doing." I don't think any of them know what they're doing because they're a bunch of kids. Opinions vary.

@david75090 Kids being kids or full on Nazis, either way, it's inappropriate. If it's ignorance, then parents and schools are to blame, if it's indoctrination, they, as well as parents are to blame.

@nvrnuff If I was in favor of overreacting, I'd agree, but I'm not, so I won't.

It's like when black mannequins are hung in effigy. Just good, clean, white fun.

@Secretguy Not even remotely the same thing.


Young white trash.

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