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The Art of Stopping Time + Live in the NOW.

Jolanta 9 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I have learned to stop totally right now. my life is on hold for 6 months pretty much. No , now work, only savings for basics (food, home, bills, ) cannot drive, and can barely walk. FUN! If you ever have to have major surgery, DONT, just die and get it over with because its totally boring.(joke) But look at how my computer skills are improving! But i do get alot of time to just sit and stop and reflect on how the NOW can just last and last and last and...............

Sorry to hear about your surgery but I hope that you will mend and get back to being even better than before. Great to hear that you are positive, keep it up. Not only are your computer skills improving but think of the books you now have time to reed and all the movies you can watch and all the letters you can write to people you know, because a letter is such a joy to get, not at all like an email. I be following your recovery. Do take care and think of me when I have to get up at five in the morning so I can get to work on time.


there is no now. by the time you've acknowledged it, it's gone. in addition, there are consequences to all our actions, large and small; not taking the future (which briefly becomes the now) into consideration can be disastrous.


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