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Some charities that don't think you need a bible to help people.
Red Cross
Fred Hollows Foundation
Water Aid
Save The Children
Doctors Without Borders
The Gates Foundation
Secular Humanist Aid & Relief Effort. Because helping others isn't about an afterlife. If you want to help others but you want to make sure it doesn't go to churches here are some options. That being said you don't have to be charitable. What you do is yours to do.

DragonDust 6 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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the clinton foundation is one of the most respected (not by those who believe the propaganda purveyed against it, but by those who know what it does -- many things, but chief among them fighting aids worldwide -- and by those whose job it is to rank such entities) nonprofits in the world and should be on the list. it also has no attachment to religion.

my favorite among them is save the children. it is a tough choice all in all -- so many people needing help, so many people doing good.



I'd like to add Big Brothers / Big Sisters to the list. They're not an emergency relief organization per se but they help people do a huge amount of good and they are completely secular.

Thank you your list. Separation from religion is a very good thing.


Thanks for the list!

My sentiments exactly. I was just asking people for a list of these resources due the fires in Cali, because I don't want a CENTilla of my going religious works.


Thank you for the info.

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