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Do we have any fans of Bill maher on here, I'm sure their are some, I was one up until recently when he knocked Stan Lee and baicqlly all forms of media that I enjoy calling people with imaginations all stupid, just wondering what everyone's opinions are on him and if you can find justification in this sentiment, I for one will no longer be following his work which I unfortunately used to enjoy profusely the way he ripped on the religious right, but I find I can't relate to a man who has revealed that I'm in idiot to him.thoughts?

Eric_in_bham 5 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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so maher has to be perfect and you have to agree with all he says and does to be a fan? not me. i disagree with him sometimes. i still like and enjoy him. are all your friends perfect? no? so why does he have to be? if you're not marrying the guy, it's not necessary. i do try to give people a break. anyone can get cranky or say the wrong thing. it has to be racist or something for me to be unforgiving.



I like him and agree with some of the things he talks about. Sometimes he makes me mad but I don't usually disown celebrities for disagreeing on individual things. That's actually one of the things I like about him. He is an outspoken strong clear voice about many "liberal" things that I agree with. He doesn't walk the like though and take the liberal side on everything. I find it refreshing even though I don't always agree on his stances.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

He definitely pushes the envelope, and sometimes gets it wrong.. But most of the time he nails it! I’ll mute it when he falls into the “Kids in cages” crap ..that didn’t happen, and it’s a cheap shot at an easy target … but he’ll move on to half a dozen dead on digs that remind me why I’m watching..

Varn Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

I gave up on Maher when when he revealed his anti-vaccine views.

JimG Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

I enjoyed watching Bill Maher since his “Politically Correct” days. No, I don’t agree with everything he says. I’m not exactly a spider man superfan although I watched the cartoons and movies as a kid.
I’m a huge Sci-fi fan. If he bashed that, I wouldn’t be offended, it’s one mans opinion.


He's an atheist brother and a progressive, funny, insightful, passionate, and enjoys being politically incorrect, and on that I'm with him 100%. I don't agree with those who think you can be atheist and progressive or left wing, but don't say anything to put anyone's nose out of joint whatever you do. We've had that for too long, and as a result we've got this right wing Trumpian backlash, and not just in the US. Enough. I like him and I like the way he jumps both on the Crazy Right and the Regressive Politically Correct Left. Genuine left wingers have a sense of humour and thick skins. I do.


Not a fan of Bill Maher. He's a liberal pot-smoking Hillary supporter. The only thing we share in common is our lack of belief in a god. That's it.


I love Bill Maher and watch him weekly. I DO NOT agree with everything he says and he sometimes gets carried away and can be, at times, a turn off. Get over it. You will never agree 100% with anyone. If you do... It's time to find new friends.

I watched Spiderman as a cartoon when I was a kid. I could never get into comic books. Mad Magazine was about as close as I got to that.


If you read comic books, you gotta expect an occasional hit. Not exactly the bastion of intellect.

godef Level 7 Nov 19, 2018

Whether Maher entertains me or pisses me off is about a 50/50 toss up. I watch his show for the guests and the "New Rules" which are usually pretty humorous.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

Sorry about the mispellings, phone is malfunctioning

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