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The UN is useless. It's like animal farm
"We are all equal, but some (5 permanent members of security council) are more equal than others."

All permanent members are guilty of abusing their power of veto. And wtf has France and UK still retained the power of veto? Not empires anymore.


powder 8 Nov 19

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It does have some positives with education programs, for example.


I've had similar thoughts about the Security Council going back years. I'm not sure what should be done about it.


The U.N. General Assembly is dominated by nations governed by, or sympathetic to, the imperialist ideology of Islam.

@powder Islam is a political ideology masquerading as, and usurping the benefits of being a "religion:.

@powder didn’t this start as a conversation about the UN


It simply gives the face of legitimacy of the neocolonial rule and exploitation of the world.


It's the initial stages of global unity. At some point the human race will realize we're all in this together and stop bickering like school children but instead of swings and balls we bicker over lines and resources. The UN is not entirely useless, but they're basically in their infancy. Progress is not a light switch.

Globalism is an elegant theory, but cannot benefit humanity while the existence of Islam persists. Convince me that to live under Sharia benefits humanity, and I will retract.

@PBuck0145 When I say humanity has to stop bickering like school children and you come out with "yeah but those guys..." I mean come on really?

@mattersauce I reiterate:
Convince me that to live under Sharia benefits humanity, and I will retract.

@PBuck0145 You didn't even contradict me and you are expecting me to work for a retraction. If you want to debate Sharia law you've come to the wrong guy. Cya later.

@mattersauce An elegant capitulation.

@PBuck0145 Sorry for not engaging in your anti-Sharia discussion. I get that you hate Islam, but maybe learn to stay on topic and you'll get better results in the future. So feel free to take your basketball, leave the football field and declare victory, lol.


To the victors go the spoils...that's why France and England still have it.

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