It is truly perplexing to me when Christians act as if their opposition to abortion is rooted in a religious belief. The Bible is very clear that you can execute your children for mere disobedience. Many Christians are pro-life despite the Bible, NOT because of it. #Deuteronomy
The notion that life begins at conception was pointed out in a famous essay to be "the doctrine that's younger than a MacDonald's Happy Meal".
Even fundamentalists used to debate whether fetuses were persons, and to what extent.
I know so many hardcore Christians who had abortions themselves and are against it. One is a preacher. Fuckers.
ah yes, christians, the best hypocrites around!!!!
The bible is used to be interpreted to meet anyone's personal need. You can authorize killing or anything else you wish if you find the right passage.It isn't the great book it is made out to be.It is a book for non readers which was when it was published.
“It is a book for non readers” - that prettymuch nails it ~
First the 'pro-life' title is a misnomer. It is not about LIFE, writ large, in that it concerns all life. It should be Pro-human life.
These people follow the rule to go forth and multiply never mind the fact that 7.5+ Billion of us are seriously depleting the Earth's resources. They say they care for human life but the fact is they only care before it is born. Afterward one is on their own and if they are smart they better get lots of guns. They say that life begins at conception but then that would make their god the biggest abortionist of all. Also, many studies have shown abortion is far, far safer than giving birth. Giving birth is the single largest killer of women worldwide.
@TheMiddleWay And men!
Nobody really expects them to be logical., do they?
Doesn't it also state that life begins at birth?