Do you remember the old "Ploy"(maybe not) inviting the young woman up to your apartment to view your etchings? This seems very similar.
Hmmm, never used that one. Never had to resort to trickery.
I was an art major who actually did create etchings. A young woman I had just begun to date fell for the "Come up to my room to see some inserting etchings". But now that it's 40 years later and we are married with 2 kids and a grand kid and I'm beginning to think she just wanted to get laid and really didn't give a shit about those etchings. Ya think?
@Mike1947 - Oh yeah, we've been laughing about it ever since way back then. It was my wife who began telling the story to tease me about how that line was so lame to get her to go to my bedroom with me. If we try and go over that story with our kids (adults) they just say, "Oh, not the etching story again, spare us!"