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After reading this post, some of you girls will probably say, "What the f××k is wrong with you?!?!"

So, my sons and I were on the way to the gym tonight. We pulled up, and realised it was closed.

Disappointed, I dropped the kids off at the house. I decided to make a last-minute trip to Walmart. I left in my gym clothes and with no make up on. Hey, it's just Walmart!

As I arrived to the store, I noticed there were a lot of police on duty there. Of course.

After I'm done grabbing a few things, I made my way to the check out register.

As I'm walking there, I feel as though I'm being watched by the police officer on duty. Not being too bothered, I knew it is his job.

That is, until he asks me if it's okay if I step out of the line for a bit. Seeing that I didn't have many things, I agreed.

He's about 6ft, blonde hair, blue eyes. He looks almost identical of a younger version of Robert Redford. Very attractive guy. Mid 40s, early 50s?

Anyway, I gave him a puzzled smile and a confused look as I asked, "Is everything okay, Officer? "

He apologised for having asked me to get out of the checkout line, but asked me if my name is Pepper. I said yes.

He says, "I see you almost every morning at the 711 off of ××××, when you buy coffee." Smiling, I said "Yep, I go there every day."

I asked him how he knew my name. He said, "The cashier says it each time she greets you." I was like, "Ohhhh... okay."

Not knowing where the conversation was going, and being completely clueless, he apologises and says, "I'm sorry if what I'm about to ask you comes off wrong, "Are you married or have a boyfriend? Because if you don't or you're not married, I want to know if you're free anytime over the weekend for dinner?"

I was speechless and looked around wondering, "Is this really happening?"

I told him I was not married and that I was going to be busy with work. Never answering if I had a boyfriend, (because technically, I don't, but I like someone A LOT) he gave me his card with his cellphone number on the back!!! HAHAHA!

I threw his card away by the trash can near the front doors of the store.

The attached picture is as close to what the guy looks like.

That's how my night ended. I'll probably regret it, but I just don't date military or cops. Love them, but not for any type of relationship.

Think I'll have to get my coffee elsewhere. lol

SleeplessInTexas 8 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I would have gone ...


You know, I'm in no position to judge you for your choices.

Personally, I wouldn't change where you get your coffee. How he behaves in the future might prove to provide you with useful information-for example, if he gets creepy, THEN you can change your morning pit-stop, but if he's cool about it, might change your opinion about "how cops are". What I mean is, I feel like changing your life to avoid him, is ceding some of your personal power. Men and women can relate as people without always having to default to the "are we/are aren't we gonna have sex" thing.

But, and I feel I need to be explicit about this, not my call. It's always your choice to say "oh, hell no" and not get any flack about it.

I'm not a woman, but my initial thought was certainly not: "Wtf is wrong with you?" You come across as rational, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.


Your life, your choice.
Personally I find the idea of judging a person by their career choice a bit condescending and presumptuous, but I assume you have good reasons for doing so that I am unaware of.
One of the nicest women I ever knew was a mortician who was terrified to tell people what she did for a living because they thought she was weird. I was a tax man for years in my early career and telling some one you want to date that that is your job is like announcing you just skinned your own granny alive for shits and giggles.

Just out of curiosity why did it not occur to you to just say no thank you rather than leave him dangling?


This girl won't say that. Personally, I think you did the right thing. The way he did that was really kinda on the creepy side.

I didn't think it was creepy.


...and women wonder why they can't find a "nice guy"...

Well that's condescending as fuck. We -none of us- have any idea if he was a nice guy, for one; two, if he was the nicest guy on Earth, she would STILL be under no obligation to say yes; and three, your assumption that WOMEN can't find nice guys is a gross over simplification of both the state and desires of women.


You should never feel pressured to do more than you care to do or give. What is right or wrong for you is different from what is right or wrong for others. If you don’t feel comfortable dating military or cops, don’t. There are plenty of woman out there that will.


Oh dear. Well I guess you know what is right for you. But......🙂

His looks aside, I think I made the right decision.


Personally I think you should have gone out with him, he may have been the love of your life, but now you will never know.

The guy asked me out on a date while I had no makeup on! Who does that?!!! Considering that he says he sees me "almost every morning" at the 711, he's seen me with makeup on! So, he's seen me both ways. Ha!

Police guys are not my thing. And yes, he is extremely attractive, but not my cup of tea due to his profession. Sorry, not sorry.

@SleeplessInTexas well he liked your natural look too! He has seen you both ways! 🙂

@GreatNani True. I'll be honest with you, the guy [cop] obviously likes me. I noticed him once a few weeks ago at the 711 where I go. Our eyes did lock for a while, but I quickly looked away after realising it. He followed me out to my car as though he wanted to say something to me, but I got into my car quickly and drove off. I grab coffee every day before work.

"The guy asked me out on a date while I had no makeup on! Who does that?!!! "
Some one who thinks you are attractive? Some one who is not impressed by superficiality? Some one normal?

@SleeplessInTexas not necessarily bad that he is a police officer. I am not one who thinks they are all bad. Or all men in the military are bad. It really is individual.

@SleeplessInTexas I think you should be flattered if he did that.

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