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Evangelical: How can you "prove" that God doesn't exist?

Ben: Two words... "Donald Trump."

Benthoven 8 Nov 23

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Atheism is true and correct because Bible God does not exist. "God is Love" 1John 4:8 But Bible God endorses slavery, polygamy, genocide, and the murder of Heretics and Homosexuals. Bible God treats women as 2nd class citizens, and he is prejudiced against the handicapped. God intends to burn Billions in Hell for all eternity. This is not love. "God is love" is contradicted by the above mentioned unloving actions. Therefore God does not exist and Atheism is true and correct​


I think god can only manifest itself in interaction with us. Some people say it provided a home and food so that's proof. There is so much written about contact with the divine in early history but none now. I'm convinced it was all wishful thinking and forgivable ignorance but it must be fairly obvious now that if there is a god, it doesn't intervene in human affairs at all.

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