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I'm starting to suspect that someone in that group of refugees coming up in the caravan has damning physical evidence that will put Trump on death row, not because there are rumors or evidence of any kind, just his bat shit crazy idea to shut down the entire border!
Due to this radical solution I have to believe he or his kids have done some damned creepy perverted dark shit in Mexico!

Novelty 8 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Can you imagine being in a situation that is so awful that you walk miles and miles with your children, not much food or money and when you get where you think that sanctuary is, you get gunned down.


Talking now about using "deadly force"....umm, seeking asylum is Not a crime, even attempting to sneak over the border is a MISDEMEANOR. We should All be fearful!


Anythings possible in this environment. It wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't some bat shit crazy explanation. Probably includes some financial con if history is any factor.

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