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My mom is huge into ancestry and pictures of long lost relatives and finding family. She hunted down her long lost sister that was adopted out privately at birth, she found my grandfather's estranged first son, she is eerily talented at hunting down relatives.

Anyway now that she has completed her side, her biological dads side, my stepdads stepdads side, and everyone in between, tonight she wanted to learn about my biological dads mothers side. (Talk about a headache lol)

Turns out my grandma has my dad when she was 14 (my grandpa....such a fucking gross old dude with multiple different wives with different aliases and over 15 children so far...apparently his type was "really young and stupid" ) anyway grandma.

So grandma had my dad when she was 14 but too young to raise him he lived with his grandma.

She had two other kids, tom and dawn? She died in a fire along with dawn when grandma was 22 and dawn was 1. I'm just learning this stuff, I knew grandma died in a fire but I don't really put any weight in what my dad has ever said because lying is like breathing for him.

Anyway, today mom found a picture of grandma and dawn before they died.

At least we have no mystery on where I got my looks anymore. We look really really alike. I have her hair (literally the only difference is I have bangs) and she was thinner. Other than that we look the same.

That was really interesting, because I always felt out of place with how different I look from my moms side of the family.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Nov 25

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That's super cool. I love doing ancestry research.


My grand niece looks like my great grandmother.

So much so that even as an infant I kept seeing her as an old woman? The only photo of my great grandmother I have.

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