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Is anybody dealing with mental illness in there life? My son is schizophrenic and was just hospitalized again. I'm finding it very hard to deal with....

Timmythinks 4 Nov 25

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i'm bipolar, but stable, and i have 2 cousins that are schizophrenic. it can be hard. i've been hospitalized in the past before i had my first manic episode (my only intense one) and then found the right meds


I'm the one with mental illness and it is easy to become frustrated with the quirks associated with each diagnosis. A woman i knew took two steps forward one step back with whatever causing misfiring in her brain. She thanked me frequently for tolerating her. I kept assuring her that she did not need to express gratitude. I understood. I have lost touch with her because she pushed me away. And that seems to be the result. I isolate or they leave.
Its a hard thing to see, especially if one has not experienced any illness of the psyche. But, i can no more control my anxiety, depression, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts than i can control cravings for salty or sweet when i need nourishment.
If you need a break, take one. Get a confidant who is not your son. Vent to them. I would also reccommend you set boundary that your son does not come to you with frustrations or anger.
Goid luck! It's not easy.


All you can do is be a loving support for him. He will get help in the hospital. Make sure when he's out that he stays on his meds and continues to get professional help. And most of all, take good care of yourself... I'd also suggest checking out the website Bring Change To Mind, they offer support for families of the mentally ill. It was started by actress Glenn Close because of her sister's illness.


Yes, All you can do is provide a support system. Let him know you care deeply. You can't fix him. Be kind but don't let him take advantage of you, or abuse you. It's super hard and he will probably push you away, act and say things to hurt you. Just be there. He's in the best place he can be. Every time he has an episode he needs to go to the hospital. Teach him this and don't fight it it is the only place he can get help. They will help him. FYI, my ex was Bipolar, Manic Depressive and Schizophrenic. He hung himself, he's dead. That's why it's important he gets help. My nephew has Catatonic Schizophrenia and he is in and out of treatment and somehow surviving, he's got no one, his parents shit on him, but I just take him to the hospital the moment he has an episode. Remember, hospitalized is good! Good luck. You will also need a support group. Luckily, you have one here.


I went out for a while with a lass who's identical twin sister had schizophrenia. She was hospitalised twice during our relationship. The only thing I can say is that it takes a long time to sort out medication, but it can be life changing. Lots of oscillating between being a zombie on meds or delusional off them, but now she's found a regime that works for her and she's a pretty happy mum with a lovely partner and a good career.
Sending some strength and endurance in your direction. Best of luck.


My daughter has been hospitalized several times for severe depression and attempted suicide. I believer her diagnosis is severe depression and PTSD. My youngest son and grandson both are on the Autism Spectrum. I am on disability because of Borderline Personality and have been hospitalized for attempted suicide.

That's just myself and my children. Mental illness seems to run rampant in my family. It's not fun to deal with, but you do what you can.

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