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Who else feels like religion leads to wars and killing

Orca1987 4 Nov 27

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Poisonous ideologies drive war and conflict, and many religions are poisonous ideologies. It's wrong to point the finger solely at poisonous religions - all the sources of primary hate need to be stamped on with equal vigour. Some religions are benign, and all religions could be made benign if their followers had the balls to stand up to their God and tell him to shove his vile hate up his arse.


When it doesn't do so directly it is a convenient crutch to lean on for people who need some sort of justification to slaughter another group of people to get their stuff or steal their lands.


Sometimes people divide up into groups depending on belief or disbelief in some doctrine or other. Organizers rush to cash in on the opportunity for power and control. Creeds are written and absolute belief becomes a requirement. In time perhaps the groups grow and acquire wealth and land. With absolute blind belief in the rightness of their dogmas and disrespect for alternative beliefs, the stage is set for war.

Those dogmas are not necessarily about religion—they might be based on racism, kinship, politics, economics, etc. several wars in the twentieth century were fought over belief in economic dogmas. No one is suggesting that economics be purged from the human race however. The original formulators of ecomic theory were thoughtful, scholarly people and not at fault for the mayhem committed in the name of their works.

The world NEEDS science, religion, economics, etc., but we need a balance of all of them and we need respect for diverse opinions. If we are going to eliminate anything, let it be absolute belief. After all, no one really knows ultimate truth. We are basically ignorant.


I really don’t understand the claim that religion leads to war. Which wars were caused by religion? Certainly the Crusades. The troubles in Ireland had religion as a secondary cause perhaps. There has been fighting in the Middle East with religion as the basic cause. But the vast majority of wars have had other causes, especially the major wars. Where religion has been involved in war, it has not been religion itself, but religious organizations at fault. Many religious organizations are little more than
Political groups. Deeply religious people tend to be disinterested in politics.

I am reading an insightful book, “Spiritual Science”, by British psychologist Steve Taylor. According to Taylor, a belief that has led to modern wars is the belief in scientism and materialism, These beliefs tend to see humanity and the world in a mechanistic way, governed by blind chance and having no inherent worth or value. This leads to hedonism and nihilism.


I would say this is the way intelligent people see religion.


Religion is a convenient excuse. War is almost always economically motivated.

JimG Level 8 Nov 27, 2018

not me. religion isn't what leads to wars and killing. greed is. religion is one of greed's major tools, so it seems as if religion is the culprit. religion is certainly superstition and not a good thing, but it is not, itself, responsible for what greed dictates.


Religion is the fuel not the engine =)

@Pedrohbds you got it!



Religion is seldom the reason for wars. But is a dam good way to make people agree with the irrationality of war.
The people fighting can be fighting for religion, but the leaders in general are fighting for power, land, money or just to keep their subjects distracted.
The only kind of war that is really for religion is when a population resist to forced conversion with open rebellion, but this kind of war is rare, and in general result in a hopeless last stand as no big leader or powerful player (even if it is from the same religion of that population) rise to help if there is no power to be harvested from it (for example if he can't annex that region or something like that).


Who doesn't 😕

Varn Level 8 Nov 27, 2018

Do you think there would be no war or murder if there was no religion?


Religious "logic" here is sadly inexorable.

You believe in God.
There is the word of God.
Non believers are the enemy of God.
Enemies have to dealt with.
So there are the wars of God.
God is never wrong. All wars in his name are righteous.

You start with an imaginary God, and wars and violence inevitably follow.

Monotheism is the worst here. Look at our history since their rise several millennia ago.


It’s a catalyst


Humans lead to war and killing.

Religion is just one of the excuses they use.


Religion serves as a mask for greed and fear which lead to war.

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