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So my oldest son is transgender and I support that 100%. But honestly sometimes I miss having a daughter. Came across pics from 4 years ago when we did a father-daughter dance and now I'm sad. Oh well.
Strange that gender is so intertwined with identity, even for someone with very progressive views, that when I look at the pics of him when he was my daughter I feel like that person is gone. Of course, I guess the passage of time also plays into it.

towkneed 7 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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It’s still the same person really.

Of course one knows that logically. But it almost feels like I've lost someone. And that's kinda my point - that gender is intrinsic to not only our own identity, but also how we see others. Just meant as an observation.


My youngest grandchild is trans. Not sure how I feel about it.

Despite being pro trans issues, it took me a while to get used to it when it was my own child. But I think it makes the most sense to think of the outcomes of how one takes it. If you are not accepting, where does that leave you in your relationship with them? Whether you think it's right or wrong, it's simply counterproductive to be less than accepting.
My view anyway.

@PalacinkyPDX Agree 100%. Just thinking baby steps. I am very proud of my son and tell him all the time.


Aww - that's pretty heavy stuff. Your son is lucky to have a father who accepts him and that's awesome.

Hihi Level 6 Nov 27, 2018

Thanks. Although I honestly believe it should be the default for any loving father.


Did you mourn the loss of your daughter and celebrate the birth of your son? It might help. When my daughter was born at 2 lbs 5 ounces with cerebral palsy my husband and I were encouraged to grieve the loss of a healthy newborn and appreciate the birth of our daughter vs all odds.

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