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This is deep. Is it a blatant act of disrespect to voice an opinion to a police officer? []

IAJO163 8 Nov 27

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"Disrespect? Respect is earned. Assholes who think everyone should kiss butt should be deported. I prefer mid-Sahara.


Blatant disrespect? No. Good cops have a thick skin. Also, if the police in general are being criticized for what some dirty or bad cops do, then the good cops shouldn't take it personally. I know that's easier said than done, and people will even view the good cops as being bad.

Then again, cops are human and also have egos just like the rest of us. I'm not saying it's right, and they should have more of an ability to push their bias away because the job calls for it to be an enforcer of the law and not an enforcer of feelings. I think these are cases that can be difficult to judge sometimes. If you are breaking a law that is enforced very rarely like spitting on the sidewalk (which is illegal in some cities) and you're wearing a "Black Lives Matter" shirt, and a cop gives you a ticket, you are still technically breaking the law. If the cop arrests you, then a judge might deem the punishment excessive. If you're just walking down the street with the "BLM" shirt and a cop gives you a ticket or arrests you on trumped up charges, then that's a problem.

Cops usually don't get disciplined though unless they are doing something that is plainly black and white wrong. I know someone who used to work for the Civilian Review and Complaint Board, and she said the percentage of cops who actually get punished for wrongdoings are very small. You can have a laundry list of complaints against you as a cop and no action is usually taken.

I know someone who was friends with a cop, and he once drove his squad car drunk and was a known wife beater. They gave him desk duty. No real punishment as he still got the same pay and was obviously allowed to keep his job. Maybe they felt treatment was a better course of action.

On the other hand, I sympathize with cops. They put up with A LOT of shit. I think maybe it clouds their judgment with people who mean them no harm. It's like they build a tolerance and just become more hardened. They definitely become more suspicious and untrusting of people.

I know a cop that has people in certain neighborhoods try to pick fights with him. One guy was in the vicinity and told him, "I know you'll probably shoot me, but I'll fight you. I'm not scared of you.". This was unprovoked and just because the cop was there.

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