Is it my imagination or is it more prevalent?
They have been there all along, now just feel empowered to come out and do their damage....
We have had an increase in anti Semitic attacks and rhetoric in the UK, and just generally a nastiness towards immigrants in the UK since the Brexit referendum. Here the narrow win 4%, seems to have brought all these hateful types out of the dark corners where they must have been lurking, and into the harsh light of day. It is horrible to think that Brexit seems to have stirred up all the worst sort of jingoism and British nationalism. I know it won’t make you Americans feel any better knowing that this sort of thing in the news item is happening elsewhere, but at least know that we understand.
Sadly it exist and the symbol intended for eternal peace and prosperity has become an international symbol for ignorance and hate.
But the part that bothers me the most was that she said that she was afraid. Please no! That’s what they want that’s their fuel and we need to cut that off.
We need to stand together in front of them and become the greater voice. We need for our government to ban the manufacturing and ownership of symbols used to incite fear and hatred.
And if they won’t do that then these it’s about pride people need to step up and take their flags out the hands of these ignorant bastards as well as every surviving soldier of WW2 needs to put on their uniforms and take those flags of the Nazi party out of the hands of these cowards who’ll never understand sacrificing themselves for what’s right.
And we need to stand there with them and tell these worthless cowards to go back into the dark. I’m sorry but I’m so tired of losing my country to the war of the ignorant. I just wish sometimes that we could get it over with but I don’t believe that actually solve anything because it somehow galvanizes them and then history will try to repeat itself as we are now seeing.
I think there’s been a close to 20% more incidence in hate crimes since the grand wizard was instilled in the White House. They are emboldened and know there will be no repercussions for thier crimes as the Keebler elf was on the same page.