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Openly speaking, without bias or prejudice, I became associated with LGBTQs rights movement because I hate injustices on addition for me being a freedom and liberty seeker,I wish everyone what I wish for myself. Here is the problem, throughout my association with these groups, I have heard them assure me that no one chooses to be gay. And I never doubted or questioned them. Why do they question my heterosexuality? I mean--so many of my LGBTQ acquaintances do tell me that "may be I have not discovered myself". are they okay? I am a person of sound mind and able to know who I am. I am not even close to bisexuality.

Do they think I am stupid to say I have feelings and love for women? Why don't they want to respect that? I mean, it's okay for them to admire and crave for me just as I could with a Lesbian. If a female I like tells me that she is a Lesbian or not interested in me--I never try to coerce her/ them to redefine /her/ their sexuality. If we all believe that being gay is natural and nobody chooses it---why don't they accept the fact that I'am straight and it's natural too? Any one with this experience?

Humanlove 7 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Their premise is somewhat off the track.
Under the right circumstances just about everyone can find fulfillment in any relationship. However society tends to push the traditional relationships on children virtually from infancy.
For some the traditional views simply do not fit, for most societies pressure limits the ability to choose or experiment. Far too many find themselves trapped by their cultures taboos and they spend their lives wondering what is wrong with them. For many societies pressure leads them to a fulfilling life and they cannot imagine anything else.


It's possible that they're so used to the vast majority of people actively involved in the movement being gay that they wonder if you might be gay too and are trying to help you find your a way out of the closet, I suppose. Odd, though - I've also been involved in the LGBTQ+ rights scene for many years, but nobody else has ever suggested I might not have discovered myself (many straight people, on the other hand, apparently assume that because I'm a vocal supporter of LGBTQ+ rights I must be LGBTQ+ myself, which rather annoys me - I point out that I support animal rights too, but I'm not a rabbit).

Jnei Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

Yes, straight too are narrow minded,many girls have turned me down for both,being atheist and speaking up for LGBTQs.


It's called flirting. Take it as a compliment.

It stops being a compliment when someone repeats over and over on addition to telling that may be I haven't discovered myself.

@0752532706 yeah that is called harassment. I keep forgotting. Men are pigs. Gay or straight.

@EricTrommater No,I don't feel like it's harassment, And I am not angry, I just need some clear answers to some of the questions I rised.

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