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According to scientists using the Fermi telescope, the universe is dying.

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Beowulfsfriend 9 Nov 30

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Not believing it's true isn't an option?

Carin Level 8 Dec 9, 2018

The universe is everything that exists. It will never die, although parts of it will change.

depends on what you mean by ""die" as it was never "alive",....when the entire universe reaches absolute zero (Planck) then the universe will have "died"

Hasn't this been known for quite some time already?
Nardi Level 7 Dec 1, 2018

What's the source for the premise - universe is dying.

Reading various Fermi results, I can't anything close to that statement.


Now you got The Universe Song from The Meaning of Life coursing through my head.


Sort of like people; once born one starts to die.

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