7 3

Sherman: Surely you recognize the equal citizenship and patriotism of Americans who are Atheists?

Bush (Senr): No, I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.

Bendog 7 Dec 1

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Seriously? If he really said that, and never repudiated it, I'm glad he's gone.


It is all about fear of others being different from oneself. I think most Christians feel threatened by atheists. We haven’t joined the “club” and fallen in line.


I remember that one.. Reagan’s lapdog ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

I very much doubt that God will take him in. He belongs in that very warm place with men who have pitchforks, since he is a believer.


Bush Snr. Has just died, aged 94. What a terrible thing to say.

He’s dead?? You just made my day … he’d once got my vote, as an alternative to his eventual boss … a registered Republican, I hadn’t much choice.



Remi Level 7 Dec 1, 2018

To give some context - this was stated in 1987 when then-Vice President Bush was running for President.

Nah, it started with Nixon and has gone downhill with the Repubs since.

@Elganned BINGO ~

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