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There is so much more to this. Will we ever know the truth? []

IAJO163 8 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Many become cops because they think it confers power on them.


Personally, I do not trust the police - mainly because I can think independently and have seen quite a bit of pretty convincing evidence that many police are often worse human beings than the average citizen.

I am not claiming all cops are bad, one of my closest friends since the 7th grade has been a cop for more than 20 years, and he is overall a pretty good person - better than most. In fact, I still believe that the majority of cops are good people, or at least try to be. But I also believe that a significant minority of them should not have a badge, or even a gun.

We need to quit deifying the police. It is dangerous propaganda and complete bullshit. They are not inherently better than anyone else, and their job isn't even close to being the most dangerous. There are at least 13 other professions that data shows are significantly more dangerous, yet we never hear the media or Hollywood telling us to glorify those workers as morally superior and inherently more valuable human beings.

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