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Just trying to get some of this anxiety out of my system. My daughter was unable to get a new job in Jersey so she is currently in her car (in North Carolina) with 2 kitties on her way to move back to Florida with me. The moving is taking a toll on everyone, her anxiety and physical well-being, anxiety on my part for their safe arrival. The one cat seems to be fine, the other not so much. All I’m seeing right now are emergency rooms, animal and human. Been there done that here we go again. week a Pod arrives. How do we get all her stuff with just the 2 of us into my apartment??? Help! But... I just have to keep the tears at bay and take one day at a time.
Update. They got in around 8:15 pm. I think we’ll all live. Thanks to all for your encouragement.

kltuckmn 7 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Yay! (saw your update) -- glad they got in okay. Everything will be alright.


Hi ma'am ,
Take a big breath and think of this : at least u have a place to provide stability and a roof for now for your litle one . A parent s job never ends . She is your litle one and u doing it right . U might be packed like sardines for a minute or two , she might just have to let some possessions go , u might be able to figure some storage , but point is , your baby will be safe and able to re group and go on w plan B , C , or D .
Cats will be alright , they ve been around for centuries for a reason , humans alright = cats alive .
Breathe . This was your " Xmas gift ". Having your baby back home and plan the next step once again TOGHETER ♥️

Well said.


You don't know me, and I usually don't presume to give advice, so if you ignore this whole post, that's fine with me. For the problem of too many things: fit what you can in your apartment, sell, toss, or donate what is expendable and replaceable, rent a storage unit for the rest. The kitties will adjust once things are more stable. So will your daughter and so will you. Uncertainty causes anxiety, but when you establish a routine, things get a little more predictable. Good things come slowly, remember that. There are lots of things that will not go your way, but you can always be persistent. Hang in there, mom, your girl and her kitties are depending on you. All the best to all of you, things will get better.


Take things moment by moment. I found it's a lot easier on the nerves if you don't worry about things you really can't control. Life hands us all manner of crap sometimes, but if we take things as they come and deal with the issues one by one it is a little easier. I hope your daughter and the kitties will arrive safely as that is the most important thing right now. As you said, take one day at a time.....

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