2 9

Very true. Think about it for a second.

TheGreatShadow 9 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Sure the first one is actually being progressive the second is like a factory of worthless bots.


Yes . Doesn't have to be something big either . Many opportunities every day . It gives people hope and re assurance that they are not alone or forgotten . Yes to this .

It could be something as simple as saying "hi" or "how are you doing today"? Costs nothing, takes little time. You never know if just a few words can change a person's life.

@TheGreatShadow yes . Trust me , it does . Trust me on this . I have spend the best years of my life nursing . People get hope and motivated even by a kind word . And . I don't care what the guy on the traffic light is gonna do w my dollar . " oh he is gonna drink it , don't give it ".
Well hell . If I was on the street in the elements , I will be drinking too . It's a dollar for f name , not buying him a house . Or the older lady who stands on line w her 3 hair standing yet tries to look good , yes ! It's always a nice way ( and appropriate ) to make a nice comment to her and not looking like a weirdo . Yrs yes yes . Share the care and the love .
I remeber this about u . Are u the guy who also volunteers at his area / shelter ? Forgive my memory , tired . Pls keep doing what u doing . ???

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