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Ebola According to the Loony Tunes Right-Wingers.

Ebola is of course a very nasty and often fatal disease usually transmitted via body fluids (like sex) and so it comes as little surprise that fundamentalist Right-Wing Christians put a theological slant on this – God’s wrath; human wickedness; another sign of the End Times – you name the spin and they’ve spun it. Fundamentalists have spun all manner of loony tunes about Ebola. A theological spin on Ebola is of course to rational people total nonsense. Moreover, the Right-Wing’s hatred of Obama is nowhere more apparent than when it comes to the Ebola issue. The following headlines to “Right Wing Watch” website news stories more than illustrates the point, albeit it’s just a relatively small selection.

Part One: The Loony-Right on Ebola.

*Rick Wiles: ‘Ebola Could Solve America’s Problems with Atheism and Homosexuality’. (Posted 6 August 2014)

*Rick Wiles Warns Ebola Pandemic Will Lead to Ban on Churches. (Posted 28 August 2014)

*Rick Joyner Says Some Christians Can Cure Ebola Simply Through Their Presence. (Posted 12 September 2014)

*‘Call Me Crazy’: Glenn Beck Links Fears of Airborne Ebola to Nigerian Prison Guards. (Posted 16 September 2014)

*Glenn Beck Warns That ‘A Massive Humbling’ Is Coming, Possibly Starting With Ebola. (Posted 2 October 2014)

*Bryan Fischer Says Shepard Smith Debunked Ebola Fears Because He’s A Gay Liberal. (Posted 16 October 2014)

*Glenn Beck Finally Has His Screaming Meltdown over Ebola. (Posted 17 October 2014)

*[Donald] Trump Meets With Prosperity Gospel Preachers Who Can Cure Ebola and Bring Chickens Back From the Dead. (Posted 1 October 2015)

Part Two: The Loony-Right on Ebola and the End Times.

*Janet Parshall: Ebola Is Part of God’s End Times Judgment. (Posted 12 August 2014)

*Matthew Hagee Says Ebola Crisis Is a Sign of the End Times. (Posted 15 October 2014)

Part Three: The Loony-Right on Immigrants and Ebola.

*Michele Bachmann: Children with Ebola and People from ‘Terrorist Nations’ Part of Immigrant ‘Invasion’. (Posted 25 July 2014)

*Newt Gingrich: Immigrants Could Be Bringing Ebola across the Southern Border. (Posted 18 September 2014)

*[Bryan] Fischer: Ban Muslim Immigration Because We Don’t Know Who Is Carrying ‘The Decapitation Virus’. (Posted 1 October 2014)

*Donald Trump: Ebola-Infected Immigrants Will ‘Just Walk Into the Country’ Over Mexican Border. (Posted 16 October 2014)

*Steve King: US Becoming a ‘Third-World Country’ Thanks To Undocumented Immigrants Bringing In Ebola and Beheadings. (Posted 21 October 2014)

*Anti-Immigrant Coalition to Hold Protests Blaming Undocumented Immigrants for Ebola. (Posted 21 October 2014)

*Judson Philips: Shut Down the Government over Immigration or Foreign Ebola Patients. (Posted 12 November 2014)

*Phyllis Schlafly Warns Central American Immigrants Will Spread Ebola in US. (Posted 12 December 2014)

Part Four: The Loony-Right on the Military and Ebola.

*[Rep.] Louie Gohmert: US Troops Fighting Ebola Were Put ‘Out There like Sacrificial Lambs’. (Posted 16 October 2014)

*Blake Farenthold: Have Peace Corps Volunteers, Not the Military, Fight Ebola. (Posted 27 October 2014)

*Diana West: Military’s Anti-Ebola Mission Shows ‘Development of a Totalitarian Government Structure’. (Posted 28 October 2014)

Part Five: The Loony-Right on the Government and Ebola.

*Rick Wiles: Government Will Unleash Ebola to ‘Round up Patriots’. (Posted 19 September 2014)

*Bryan Fischer Again Falsely Claims the U.S. Banned Travel During The 2014 Ebola Crisis. (Posted 20 September 2016)

*[Tom] DeLay: ‘We Can’t Believe’ What the Government Is Telling Us about Ebola. (Posted 7 October 2014)

*Glenn Beck’s Advice on How to Stay Safe from Ebola: ‘Whatever the Government Says To Do, Don’t!’ (Posted 16 October 2014)

*[Rick] Santorum: Official Response to Ebola Demonstrates Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Government or Experts. (Posted 17 October 2014)

*[Peter] LaBarbera: Government Cannot Be Trusted To Stop Ebola Because of Gay Rights. (Posted 23 October 2014)

Part Six: The Loony-Right on Obama and Ebola

*Rick Wiles Links Obama to Ebola Outbreak. (Posted 5 August 2014)

*Pat Robertson Claims Obama Doesn’t Care About Ebola Because He ‘Lives In a Bubble of Happiness’. (Posted 4 September 2014)

*Michael Savage: Obama Wants To Bring Ebola Epidemic to America, Should Resign. (Posted 2 October 2014)

*Rep. Randy Weber: Can’t Trust Obama on Ebola Because Of Benghazi. (Posted 3 October 2014)

*Laurie Roth: Obama Allowing ISIS to Send Ebola Patients To US So He Can Use Fake Vaccines To Track People. (Posted 6 October 2014)

*Rick Wiles: Obama ‘Maliciously Infecting US Soldiers with Ebola’. (Posted 6 October 2014)

*[Bryan] Fischer: ‘It Looks Like President Obama Wants Ebola to Come To the United States to Punish America for Being Racist’. (Posted 8 October 2014)

*WorldNetDaily Pundit [Morgan Brittany]: Obama Using Ebola to Put Us in FEMA Coffins, Impose Martial Law. (Posted 8 October 2014)

*Erik Rush Asks: Is Obama Trying ‘To Facilitate An Ebola Outbreak In The United States?’ (Posted 9 October 2014)

*Phyllis Schlafly: Obama Intentionally Bringing in Ebola to Make America More like Africa. (Posted 9 October 2014)

*WND Columnist [Mychal Massie]: Obama Might Bring Ebola to America to Cancel 2016 Election. (Posted 14 October 2014)

*Michael Savage: Ebola could be A ‘Blessing’ That Prompts Obama’s Removal from Office. (Posted 14 October 2014)

*[Larry] Klayman: Obama Must Be ‘Taken Alive’ For Bringing Ebola to America to Afflict White People. (Posted 14 October 2014)

*GOP Congressman [Rep. Steve Stockman]: Obama Wants Ebola to Spread So He Can ‘Take Control’ Of Everything. (Posted 14 October 2014)

*John Hagee Says Ebola Is God’s Judgment on America Because Obama Is Trying to Divide Israel. (Posted 15 October 2014)

*Erik Rush: ‘Diabolical’ Obama May ‘Want Ebola to Spread In the United States’. (Posted 16 October 2014)

*Ira Mehlman: Obama’s Ebola Response Driven By ‘Amnesty Agenda’. (Posted 17 October 2014)

*Larry Klayman: ‘Ebola-Gate’ Shows That Obama Is As Racist As George Wallace. (Posted 20 October 2014)

*Rick Wiles: Obama Wants To Kill Millions of Christians, Spread Ebola and Aid ISIS. (Posted 21 October 2014)

*Tony Perkins Understands Why People Think Obama Is Spreading Ebola to Impose Martial Law. (Posted 23 October 2014)

*Alan Keyes: Impeach Obama for Ebola and ‘Promoting Homosexuality’. (Posted 24 October 2014)

*Dinesh D’Souza: Obama Using Ebola to Act as ‘President of the World’. (Posted 29 October 2014)

*Erik Rush: Obama Using Kaci Hickox to ‘Facilitate an Ebola Epidemic in the United States’. (Posted 30 October 2014)

*Paul Broun: Obama May Have ‘Purposeful’ Plan to Spread Ebola. (Posted 30 October 2014)

*Paul Broun: Obama and ‘Incompetent Boob’ At CDC Are Exposing Americans to Ebola. (Posted 30 October 2014)

*Larry Klayman Vows to Stop Obama’s Racist Ebola-ISIS Plot. (Posted 3 November 2014)

*Right-Wing Activists Now Attack Obama for Doing Too Much To Fight Ebola. (Posted 12 November 2014)

Personal Note: Damned if you do; damned if you don’t. The Religious Right damns Obama no matter what.

*[Glenn] Beck Blames Obama for Closing of Ohio Bridal Shop after Ebola Scare. (Posted 12 January 2015)

Personal Note: Not one single solitary apology was ever given to Obama for these outlandish smears. Fundamentalist Christians have little sense of human decency or morality or ethics when it comes to anyone other than themselves – and sometimes not even then.

Postscript: Five Crazy Conspiracy Theories About Ebola That Conservatives Actually Believe. (Posted 29 October 2014 on the “Right Wing Watch” website)

As of today (29 October 2014), there is only one person undergoing treatment for Ebola in the United States, and only two people have contracted the disease in the U.S., both of whom are healthcare workers who survived.

But the U.S.’s success in fighting the disease at home has not stopped Republican politicians and their allies in the conservative media from turning it into a political issue, warning of an impending massive Ebola outbreak in the U.S. and declaring that when that happens it will be all President Obama’s fault.

Here are five of the most common conspiracy theories that conservative commentators and their Republican allies are pushing about Ebola.

One: Obama Will Bring Ebola To The U.S. Through The Southern Border

Two: Obama Will Bring Ebola to the U.S. In Order To Impose Martial Law

Three: Obama Will Bring Ebola Outbreak To The U.S. To Help His ‘African Brothers’

Four: Obama Will Bring Ebola Outbreak To The U.S. Because He Hates America

Five: Ebola Is God’s Judgment on America (Especially Obama)

johnprytz 7 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Frankly, just from the titles, i question if any of these people can feed themselves unassisted......


What a shit list! Apparently, it’s ‘the new AIDs.’ Have the religious made more than a token effort to help those amid the periodic breakouts? … assuming their god has given them immunity...

Varn Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Ebola could even solve the POTUS problem but that might be going too far.

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