3 3 posts complaining about points... public reporting of things that should be reported with the report system or in private message to group owners or site administrators... just not feeling connected to the community today. One of those days when I feel like pausing or even deleting my account.

bingst 8 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Is this, or Days of Our Lives? This site is turning into a soap opera!


Just how and where someone says something is not up to you, this kind of crap is what makes me want to leave the site.

Well no Nvr - if we start reporting people for perceived stuff instead of what they actually did? That's where we run into trouble. And there was a fella last night reported for something that might not have been anything bad at all. Just misunderstanding of language.

The idea of reporting people for anything other than scam behavior directly to the site gets into that weird behavior that some people do that leads to some really bizarre issues.

I don't want to name anyone - but someone that got into that game just was moved along a while back. (I can PM you about that if need be). But witch hunts are real. And we don't need one.
In that particular case there were screen shots posted all over the place instead of the topics being taken up with a group owner or moderators or the Admin or SiteSupport.
It was disastrous and poisonous.

If that/ kind of behavior was fostered? The site would crumble. I truly believe it would. The same with rumor.

Also the point posts are getting kind of epidemic in Senate tonight - which is ok I guess... But it could have just been one post like we do where we all say "Yup same here"? Like we usually do when something isn't working.

Not trying to control freedom of speech in the least. It's just been a really long day here. Plus my buddy is missing and I'm having a bad time of it too. So bear with me if I rub you the wrong way.

I think that's some of what Bing is getting at here. It's been a weird couple months here and people are really worn out.
I wish things would improve you know?

@RavenCT What does commenting about points have to do with anything you're talking about?

Ah I see you focused on one part of what he said not the other.

You might not have seen the Senate post last night where a witch hunt was started. That's what I directed to your attention. Never mind... My mistake.

@RavenCT You talking about the Sexy Classic Pics thing?

@nvrnuff Correct. It got dragged into Senate and a court of public opinion was formed.

I've no idea if that dude did anything wrong or not. I never even saw what he did - it was all hearsay.

It's kind of creepy how much someone's reputation can get destroyed in the court of public opinion and that's why there are ways to report that aren't public.
In some extreme cases that is absolutely overridden. Someone tries to get a credit card? They'll get outed right on a board and that's ok.

But we could really used some published guidelines as the site keeps growing.

It's just getting hard.

I've thought about leaving too. Anyway all for now. TC.

@RavenCT I didn't see it either, so I have no opinion one way or another, not for me to decide.


There are Always whiners & complainers, and those who give them too much power. Which are you?

Right back at you. Ahhh... you left out provocateur.

@bingst I stand correctly correcte

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