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Do you agree that believing there's nothing but nothingness after death is as dumb as believing there's gonna be biblical afterlife ?

Gegee 2 Dec 5

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I don't concern myself with it all. I will live my life and try to be a good person regardless. So, thiking about it all is just a pointless waste fo my time.


It is such an irony to see same level of arrogance and ignorance in atheists like we see with theists, with your own arguments you are proving my point, if you can't prove the "void" you so much believe in then it is exactly as possible as any other form of afterlife. Do some acid guys, open ur boxes. ?

Gegee Level 2 Dec 5, 2018

Your false equivalence is tiresome and deceptive. Just because there is no proof of this "void" doesn't give us license to believe some elaborate fairytale to fill the knowledge gap.

By the way there is no void. Consciousness is an electrochemical reaction like in a battery in a flashlight. When that reaction stops producing energy, the energy it has already produced doesn't take up residence in another battery or become starlight.

That energy has already been dispersed into the universe as light and heat. It's spread over vast distances until it's effectively nonexistent. It's gone. No amount of self-delusion from drugs, imagination, or insanity construes positive evidence of an afterlife.

You arrogantly presuppose that all of us are definition, an agnostic is one who believes what ever can be proven...prove there is an afterlife or prove that there is void...I am not picky...just prove either one...I think a more relevant discussion would be how do theists and atheists/agnostics live in the here and now...I personally live more purposefully and more productively as well as kinder and more decent believing that this is all we round...I think you could prove that the opposite is true of many theists who don't live like this because of their belief that more is to come in the "afterlife" of greater reward.

The irony one knows, so with that in the equation, I choose today and not tomorrow.


in the platonic sense 😉

@OpposingOpposum Ah, thanks. 🙂

@JimG in science the possibility of an event regardless of how unlikely is still held at the possibility. Both @Gegee is right both theists and atheists fail to reject the null of their respective positions making the only correct answer uncertainty, the logical default of an agnostic is two shoulder shrugs with palms held upward.
As there are lower/higher level planes of existence in religion there are higher and lower levels of dimensional space in space.
The question of Is there a progenitor is irrelevant to some. Perhaps a more relevant question is if there is a progenitor does it matter?


No. Believing in any form of spiritual nonsense without evidence is asinine.

JimG Level 8 Dec 5, 2018

I don't think either is dumb per se as I do however fear the first over the later.


Nice try.


The universe will not become nothing when I die. The universe will continue to exist. I will become nothing. My body will continue to exist until it completely decomposes, but the real me -- my mind, my personality, etc. -- will become nothing but a memory in the minds of my survivors.

The dumb thing is to accept a myth (such as a biblical afterlife) as reality. The smart thing is to accept reality as it is.




Take that moronic bullshit elsewhere. You aren't even worth debating, gtfo.

You should follow your own advice. He asked a truly agnostic question but you answered in a narrow angry atheist manner.

@Donotbelieve the thing I love about these posts is that they bring the people I don't want to talk to out of the woodwork. Buh bye biosteelwanker

@OpposingOpposum I most admire people who are NOT divisive, who can reach across the aisle and correspond politely with those they disagree with. If both parties are willing to seriously consider the other's argument, the one with the best evidence may sway the other toward the truth.

@BestWithoutGods I most don't give a shit. I have no time for those who don't bother to think or learn and think they're just born clever. Buh bye to you too.

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