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Why does the same temp setting feel so different in different houses?

I'm talking about a HUGE difference. More than can be accounted for by variation in the thermostat. At my place 72 feels hot. My boyfriend keeps his place at 77 and it doesn't feel that warm to me, even in winter clothes.

My daughter's house feels way chilly even at 72. All these homes are insulated and have tight windows. I'm shocked at how different it feels. Me and my daughter have snakes so we have other thermometers in the rooms and they generally agree within a degree or two of the theromostat. Is this all in my head?

KissedbySun 7 Dec 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Humidity and air movement makes a big difference in how warm a place feels..


It's not just temprature. Humidity and air movement have a huge effect on how it feels.

I swear I did not see your post lmao!


Insulation house wrap new windows and ventilation.

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