lol...I was focusing on the thing in the middle...thought you were posting some sort of goth pizza or something..was attempting to read the symbolism...realized it was just pizza....I need more coffee, clearly...ha ha ha
Looks like sour cream to me
That sounds pretty good. It was ricotta as it turned out, but I'd have definitely gone for sour cream.
Ricotta applied with a pastry bag. Sounds like a decent enough plan, but the execution is lacking in that example.
Yes, that was it. But my apologies, this was meant as a joke - hopefully it came off that way, but if not, I still appreciate the tip! And yeah, execution was lacking is an understatement.
@AlPastor Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure! I actually read yours as humorous as well. My stench of humor doesn't always reach everyone, and just wanted to make sure. For the record, "Piped ricotta" is either the sexiest thing I've ever heard, or threatening to cause me lactose problems without even having eaten since last night.