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Pet lovers! The shelters are full of dogs and cats that need homes. It would be a beautiful gesture to Foster a pet in dire need of a loving home for the holidays and the winter months. You will not regret the love and appreciation they will return to you. Your kids will love it too!

DianaGuarino 5 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't think animals give two sh-ts about holidays and it seems rather cruel to me to take them home for a limited period of time and send their ass back to the shelter. You should be promoting adoption not foster parenting which after all doesn't work out that well for the majority of kids forced to live in foster homes.


i just hate it when people associate love to animals and vice versa.


I adopted Lady Gray from a shelter. She’s a little special. Her tail and legs are shorter than normal. She is loving, excitable and spoiled.


Absolutely agree with you on this. If I had the space I would foster all of them. Right now I am volunteering at a local shelter as a dog socializer.


Adopted Bootsie, our loving cat at the Mohawk-Hudson animal Rescue in Albany, NY 2 months ago-early Christmas present.


Yes they are everywhere

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