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Tonight's court filings make and their impact remind me of a bad old joke about a guy in hell in a pool of crap up to his nose, calling plaintively, "Don't make a wave." Trump is n a pool of crap (entirely of his own making) up to his filthy mouth, and Mueller is going to make damned big waves. His demise is inevitable.

It will be interesting to see how long it will take for Republican politicians to grow a moral backbone and abandon Trump. We are going to see which if any, of them have character, or simply decides to do the right thing just to save his or her sorry ass..

wordywalt 9 Dec 7

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And then, we can remember at the polling places!


For Republicans in Congress, it will take irrefutable and overwhelming evidence of crimes so egregious that they cannot be ignored. Plus, they won’t go against Trump’s voter base. If the evidence does not convince them, nothing will happen. His crimes concerning paying to silence women and his croons with Russia are well known or suspected as is his lying, his self-interest and failure to deliver on a wall.

His base does not care. Until they do, nothing will happen.

And, that is truly sad. And, disgusting.


We already know Republican politicians have zero character, compassion or empathy.

They have made that clear.

Exactly. If the GOP impeach and remove Trump; their donors will have ordered it. The trade tariffs are disliked by GM and Ford, and all their stock holders. The oil companies don't like it either. When enough of the donors decide he should be thrown under a bus, it will happen, but not until.


They’re not to do what the liberals and the democrats want them to nor are they going to antagonize the man child in the White House.

Not openly at least but they’ve been quietly and slowly moving away from trump and preparing for pence to be in charge. So just be patient and watch.

Honestly this is both a course and a blessing to be an independent.
I’m not so caught up in a political parties behavior that I can’t watch what both sides are doing but unfortunately I get to hear the stupidity that flows from both sides.

It does not sound like law and order, holding a man responsible for his crimes, upholding democracy, and true patriotism are important to you.

@wordywalt I use to be a cop so try that again.
I’ve never said that didn’t think that he was a criminal. Actually the fact that him and the Clintons were so close for as long as they were left no doubt of that.
And speaking of the Clintons yeah I watched democracy get violated like a child rapist in prison during the 2016 democratic primaries.

But I actually know how the system works and that yes he’s crude, vile and corrupt I still refuse to give him that power that some people believe that he has or at least any power over me.
And it’s fine being scared of something that you’ve lost control is natural so I can at least empathize with you.


We already know they have zero character. None of them will ever grow an actual backbone, at least not one made of moral convictions. However, if they see it in their rational self interest to distance themselves from Trump, they will do so. Up to now, they have feared Trump's base, and have lingered over this last chance to hold onto power before the whole damned party ends up in the dust bin of history.

There are some minor indications that this may finally be happening, such as them flirting with defying Trump by sanctioning Saudi Arabia. I think the increasing drumbeat of indictments and filings plus the new Democratic congress exercising some actual oversight, might do the trick. But it remains to be seen.

Personally I'm convinced that not only is most of the GOP leadership totally craven, but quite a few of them, I suspect, are compromised directly and indirectly by the likes of Russia and Saudi Arabia. I do not think the various Mueller revelations will stop at or near the top, or confine themselves to the executive branch. Incidental revelations will bring some legislators down, too. There will be some surprises.

Even their Senator who Flaked out lacked a spine! To me, the Republicans lack of courage and decency was best exhibited with their recent ignoring of ‘judge kaviar’s’ emotional instability and moral corruption… But you’re on it ..their days are numbered ~

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